页面加载中 . . .










set :集合,不允许有重复元素,容器存储元素作为键,键不能重复,能够快速读取。

map :映射,容器存储的形式为键值对,一个键对应一个值,键不能重复,值能重复。

multiset :集合,允许有重复键。

multimap :映射,允许有重复键。



pair 是一个类模板,它定义在<utility>头文件中,它能够用来存放两个数据类型的数据。


template<typename T1, typename T2> class pair;






 map::insert 将pair元素插入map。
 map::operator[] 通过键获取对应的值,如没有键值则创建。
 map::erase 通过迭代器将元素从map中删除。


  1. 声明创建自定义Student类,新建文件Student.h,内容如下

    #ifndef _STUDENT_H
    #define _STUDENT_H
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    class Student
    	int _id;
    	string _name;
    	Student(const string &name, int id);
    	int getId() const;
    	string getName() const;
    	void introduce() const;
  2. 实现自定义Student类方法,创建文件Student.cpp

    #include "Student.h"
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    Student::Student(const string &name, int id)
    		: _name(name), _id(id)
    int Student::getId() const
    	return _id;
    string Student::getName() const
    	return _name;
    void Student::introduce() const
    	cout << "Hello!I'm " << _name << ", my id card is " << _id;
  3. 创建main.cpp,内容如下

    1. string mystr(const int len) 方法是生成长度为len的随机字符串a-z
    2. struct myCompare 结构体用于比较Student类对象的键值大小,优先比较字符串长度,相同之后再比较学生类的_id属性。
    3. map<Student, int, decltype(myCompareObj)> students; 定义map对象,decltype(myCompareObj) 表示使用myCompare结构体进行比较,decltype是c++11的用法,编译时要使用-std=c++11
    4. map对象的插入操作,先创建Student对象,再将pair<Student, int>插入到map中。
    5. map的删除操作,通过find方法找到对应的键值,再通过erase方法删除。
    #include <iostream>
    #include "Student.h"
    #include <map>
    #include <algorithm>
    string mystr(const int len)
      string str;
      char c;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        c = rand() % 26 + 'a';
      return str;
    struct myCompare
      bool operator()(const Student &s1, const Student &s2)
        const int len1 = s1.getName().length();
        const int len2 = s2.getName().length();
        if (len1 != len2)
          return len1 > len2;
          return s1.getId() < s2.getId();
    } myCompareObj;
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      map<Student, int, decltype(myCompareObj)> students; // 学生-成绩
      int len = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        len = rand() % 6 + 4;
        Student stu(mystr(len), i);
        pair<Student, int> p(stu, rand() % 50 + 50);
      Student stx = *(new Student("Tom Mick", 12));
      pair<Student, int> pstx(stx, rand() % 50 + 50);
      cout << "insert one Student" << endl;
      cout << "==============================" << endl;
      map<Student, int, decltype(myCompareObj)>::iterator it;
      for (it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); ++it)
        cout << " and my point is " << it->second << "." << endl;
      it = students.find(stx);
      cout << "erase one Student" << endl;
      cout << "==============================" << endl;
      for (it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); ++it)
        cout << " and my point is " << it->second << "." << endl;
      return 0;
  4. 在Linux下,可以使用命令g++ -g Student.cpp main.cpp -std=c++11 -o main编译运行,效果如下

    insert one Student
    Hello!I'm iddqscdxr, my id card is 3 and my point is 79.
    Hello!I'm jybldbef, my id card is 5 and my point is 98.
    Hello!I'm Tom Mick, my id card is 12 and my point is 93.
    Hello!I'm yggxxpk, my id card is 7 and my point is 77.
    Hello!I'm rcbyne, my id card is 6 and my point is 56.
    Hello!I'm rellnm, my id card is 8 and my point is 95.
    Hello!I'm wlrbb, my id card is 0 and my point is 86.
    Hello!I'm zowkk, my id card is 2 and my point is 86.
    Hello!I'm bhcd, my id card is 1 and my point is 90.
    Hello!I'm owfr, my id card is 4 and my point is 93.
    Hello!I'm pqfw, my id card is 9 and my point is 64.
    erase one Student
    Hello!I'm iddqscdxr, my id card is 3 and my point is 79.
    Hello!I'm jybldbef, my id card is 5 and my point is 98.
    Hello!I'm yggxxpk, my id card is 7 and my point is 77.
    Hello!I'm rcbyne, my id card is 6 and my point is 56.
    Hello!I'm rellnm, my id card is 8 and my point is 95.
    Hello!I'm wlrbb, my id card is 0 and my point is 86.
    Hello!I'm zowkk, my id card is 2 and my point is 86.
    Hello!I'm bhcd, my id card is 1 and my point is 90.
    Hello!I'm owfr, my id card is 4 and my point is 93.
    Hello!I'm pqfw, my id card is 9 and my point is 64.






C++帮助文档https://legacy.cplusplus.com/ 获取set的详细使用方法
set.insert 元素插入容器
set.find 查找元素
set.erase 删除元素


  1. 这里使用的Student类,与上面map的Student类相同,这里不再赘述,这里使用set存储学生信息,并按照学生的基础信息进行排序。
  2. 重新编写main.cpp文件,内容如下
    #include <iostream>
    #include "Student.h"
    #include <set>
    #include <algorithm>
    string mystr(const int len)
      string str;
      char c;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        c = rand() % 26 + 'a';
      return str;
    struct myCompare
      bool operator()(const Student &s1, const Student &s2)
        const int len1 = s1.getName().length();
        const int len2 = s2.getName().length();
        if (len1 != len2)
          return len1 > len2;
          return s1.getId() < s2.getId();
    } myCompareObj;
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      set<Student, decltype(myCompareObj)> students;
      for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx)
        int len = rand() % 5 + 5;
        Student stu(mystr(len), idx);
      Student stux("Tom Mick", 12);
      cout << "insert one Student" << endl;
      cout << "==============================" << endl;
      for (auto it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); ++it)
        cout << endl;
      const set<Student>::iterator it1;
      auto uu = students.find(stux);
      cout << "erase one Student" << endl;
      cout << "==============================" << endl;
      for (auto it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); ++it)
        cout << endl;
      return 0;
  3. 编译运行,输出结果
    insert one Student
    Hello!I'm mowfrxsjy, my id card is 4
    Hello!I'm ldbefsarc, my id card is 5
    Hello!I'm wlrbbmqb, my id card is 0
    Hello!I'm ynecdygg, my id card is 6
    Hello!I'm Tom Mick, my id card is 12
    Hello!I'm dqscdxr, my id card is 3
    Hello!I'm cdarzo, my id card is 1
    Hello!I'm xpklor, my id card is 7
    Hello!I'm llnmpa, my id card is 8
    Hello!I'm kkyhi, my id card is 2
    Hello!I'm qfwkh, my id card is 9
    erase one Student
    Hello!I'm mowfrxsjy, my id card is 4
    Hello!I'm ldbefsarc, my id card is 5
    Hello!I'm wlrbbmqb, my id card is 0
    Hello!I'm ynecdygg, my id card is 6
    Hello!I'm dqscdxr, my id card is 3
    Hello!I'm cdarzo, my id card is 1
    Hello!I'm xpklor, my id card is 7
    Hello!I'm llnmpa, my id card is 8
    Hello!I'm kkyhi, my id card is 2
    Hello!I'm qfwkh, my id card is 9
  4. 分析

文章作者: ZhiQ
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